Fort Collins Disorderly Conduct Lawyer
Is Public Drunkenness a Crime in Fort Collins?

We often hear about actors, musicians, and other famous people being charged for being drunk in public. In Fort Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park, public drunkenness is not actually a crime. However, there is one Colorado criminal statute that tends to coincide with drinking in public – Disorderly Conduct. Larimer County Disorderly Conduct Attorney: What is the Definition of Disorderly Continue Reading

Harassment Attorney Fort Collins
Man Calls Government Office 5 Times a Day Charged with Telephone Harassment

There are many different acts that can result in Harassment charges in Fort Collins and Larimer County. A couple of those acts include calling someone. A man is facing Telephone Harassment charges related to his telephone usage after a city code enforcement officer reported him to police. According to the article, the man was calling the code enforcement officer’s office Continue Reading

Larimer County Harassment Lawyer
Neighbors and Harassment: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

There are many different scenarios that can result in a Harassment charge in Fort Collins and Larimer County. Insulting, threatening, or using obscene language towards another can easily land you with a Harassment case. You might think it would be easy just to walk away and leave the other people alone, but what happens if those people are your neighbors? Continue Reading